JOINN Laboratories Official Website Service capability By Molecule Type
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    SSE: 603127
    HKEX: 06127

    By Molecule Type

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    Small molecule

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    Vaccines are drugs designed to induce an immune response by increasing antibody production and/or specific T cell responses.Over time, vaccine development has evolved from traditional prophylactic uses to more complex and novel therapeutic products.These advances require careful scientific consideration of the characteristics of vaccines and their clinical uses. JOINN has nearly 10 years of experience in the vaccine industry. Our global scientific, technical and regulatory experts provide vaccine developers with the right expertise early in the development process to increase productivity, efficiency and profitability and bring the safest, most effective vaccines to market.

    New vaccines or adjuvants involved

    ● HIV, hepatitis E, tuberculosis, malaria, superbacteria, enterovirus EV71/CA16, respiratory syncytial virus, etc

    ● Prostate cancer cell vaccine, DC cell vaccine, oral vaccine, etc

    ● Nasal drops, spray vaccines, oral vaccines, etc

    ● Pika, BCG, Chitosan, IL-2, etc


    JOINN has successfully completed a number of quality consistency evaluation cases in biosimilar drug consistency evaluation. With rich experience in generic drug research and development, we are able to provide you with more professional consistency evaluation services. JOINN technicians have professional working background, and have successfully applied for many kinds of generic drugs to FDA and NMPA. It has a complete quality assurance system to ensure the accuracy, truthfulness, traceability and integrity of the data and meet the requirements of NMPA; efficient workflow, standard operating standards, sound solutions and report templates; advanced instruments and equipment, including optical fiber online detection automatic stripping instrument and GMP solid preparation pilot plant, etc., to ensure the efficiency and time of project completion. JOINN has its own clinical research center and the realization of one-stop drug evaluation.